Haulotte, world leader in articulating booms, is doing everything it can to reduce its ecological footprint. Bérenger DUDEK, Group CSR Manager, and Christophe CARRILLO, Product and Innovation Architect at Haulotte, explain how the Group aims to reduce its carbon footprint and improve the recyclability of its machines. From the selection of materials to transport to the end user, this approach aims to reconcile industrial performance with respect for the environment.
For Haulotte, integrating environmental issues into its strategy is not a sales pitch, but a clear commitment to shaping a future where industrial performance is compatible with greater respect for the environment.

Bérenger DUDEK, Group CSR Manager
Bérenger DUDEK points out that « legislative developments have created a more restrictive framework, with increasingly strict regulations imposing levels to be achieved and carbon trajectories to be followed ».
Societal interest in sustainable development also reinforces this orientation: « Growing awareness of sustainable development and the environment is prompting us to answer our employees’ questions about our actions to reduce carbon emissions ».
This focus on environmental issues is reflected in a comprehensive and detailed CSR vision. « Our vision, created by employee representatives, is built around the Group’s mission: to take care of people – whether society, partners or employees, » explains Bérenger Dudek.
Haulotte aims to position itself as a leader in the energy transition, encouraging its customers and the construction industry to adopt more environmentally-friendly practices. « The eco-design of our ranges, with the launch of the more environmentally-friendly Pulseo electric range in 2018, and the interchangeability of parts from one machine to another, which Haulotte has initiated, are part of this responsible approach, in line with the expectations of operators of personnel lifting equipment. For example, one ton of steel not produced means two tons of CO2 not emitted ».
Eco-design and recyclability: key concepts
Eco-design and recyclability are crucial elements in Haulotte’s approach. Christophe Carrillo, Product and Innovation Architect, explains: « Eco-design systematically integrates environmental aspects into the design of products to reduce negative impacts throughout their life cycle ». This approach aims to balance environmental, social, technical and economic requirements in product development.
Recyclability focuses on the theoretical potential of materials to be recycled, regardless of recycling channels. « Recyclability gives us an indication of the maximum recycling capacity as a function of materials and processing stages, » explains Christophe Carrillo. He also distinguishes this concept from recycling, which refers to the actual rate of material recycled, depending on the channels available.
« To meet our strategy, we opt to use materials that can be recycled (steel) and/or that come from recycling channels. Our machines need mass to be stable, so using steel has a number of benefits: its bulk density and recyclability. »

Reducing the carbon footprint: challenges and opportunities
Haulotte’s commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of its machines presents significant challenges. Among them, Bérenger Dudek points out the need to raise awareness among all those involved in the construction and public works industry: « We need to work with our suppliers and communicate more so that everyone takes account of the low-carbon levers ». Another major challenge lies in keeping prices competitive: « One of the major challenges will be to combine respect for the environment and regulations without compromising product performance while remaining economically competitive ». Products must evolve in terms of their design, while remaining in phase with market standards and the expectations of rental companies and manufacturers.
These challenges also come with opportunities. Haulotte machines offer environmental and operational advantages, as Bérenger Dudek points out: « Our machines enable us to work in low-emission zones on inner-city sites, but also to respond to specific calls for tenders requiring low-carbon machines that meet very specific constraints. It’s this combination of benefits and challenges that we need to demonstrate to encourage the construction industry to opt for these machines ».