Cities across the globe must rise to the same challenge: tackle air pollution, fight global warming and offer their citizens the best possible living conditions. More than 220 cities across the world have already adopted measures limiting or even prohibiting the use of pollution-intensive equipment.
The number of Low Emission Zone is increasing, as well as the restrictions and constraints
LEZ « Low Emission Zone » or ZEZ « Zero Emission Zone » are mainly located in Europe and Asia. In Germany, Green Zones are accessible thanks to an environmental badge. In Spain, Barcelona City Council has declared a climate emergency: the action plan for 2020-2030, establishes the creation of a Low Emission Zone.
The city of London, in order to improve air quality, now have an Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In Asia, Tokyo and Singapore implemented such areas for years now, and the movement is spreading fast all around the globe.

Haulotte anticipated this great shift, unveiling the “Blue Strategy” 24 months ag.
As Stéphane Hubert said the main driver of global market is energy conversion. “Our machines are mainly used in urban or peri-urban areas. We are seeing more and more « low emission zones » appear, with more than 200 major cities in the world already prohibiting the use of polluting or noisy equipment. The future belongs to zero emission machines”.
PULSEO new generation of 100% electric machines lets the operators work with no harmful emissions. It offers a clean alternative suited to any situation. Designed to operate in silence, PULSEO cares for both the environment and people nearby. Its all-electric architecture makes it suitable for work in downtown areas and low-emission zones, as well as on green construction sites.
These constraints lead to the development of environmentally friendly alternative equipment.
As CECE (Committee for European Construction Equipment) underlined it in a report :
“The new Regulation sets an ambitious timeline. It will remain a challenge to re-design the hundreds of machinery types and applications in the timeframe given; CECE is convinced that the machine manufacturing industries are committed and capable to make these necessary adjustments and contribute to improving air quality in Europe. Since meeting Stage V requirements means a significant effort for lthe European industry, European political support is needed for the promotion of clean mobile « Made in Europe » machinery on the global market. It will remain an important policy goal to align emissions regulation in at least the highest-regulated markets.
At the same time, CECE notes with concern the developments withing the internal market in the EU it, where local authorities implement own rules to combat air pollution. It’s of greatest importance that these rules respect the harmonised EU emissions limits and don’t require additional measures. The environment is best served with the deployment of the latest emissions legislation, hence a progressive renewal of the oldest machine park.”