This post is 5 ans old.
Exhibitions’ organisation requires special attention. Indeed, risks are higher due to the huge number of visitors, the proximity of the exhibitors and the unfamiliar environment.

Reminder of good practices
- MEWPs displayed should be compliant with the local regulations.
- Anyone moving or operating a MEWP must have a valid PAL (Powered Access Licence) Card and be familiar with the machine.
- People in the platform must wear Personal Protective Equipment and connect fall protection equipment.
- It is mandatory to complete a daily inspection and test the functions of all machines on the stand.

Before/after the event
- A contact person in charge of loading and unloading must organize the delivery of the MEWPs.
- Do not forget signage or barriers while moving the machines to direct pedestrians away from the path.
- A risk assessment and ground evaluation should be stored on stand as well as the list of authorised operators and a rescue plan.
- Keys must be available at all times for staff only.
- Each machine should be positioned in the stand to minimise the risk of people bumping their head.
- Do not forget to turn off and secure all MEWPs that are not being demonstrated

During the exhibition
- Visitors and staff in the display area must wear suitable clothing and shoes.
- Visitors are not to be elevated until all loose objects are secured. A ground rescue person must be present whenever there is movement of the MEWP.
- Please consider the wind speed, the weather conditions, and the visibility while elevating in outdoor displays (only for outdoor rated MEWPs).
- Permission is required to demonstrate a MEWP during an event. In that case, the machine must remain in a designated area with limited public access.
- Take precautions when operating alongside neighbouring stands.
Find the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) exhibition guidelines for Powered Access Machines.